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Can You Look At The Solar Eclipse With Regular Sunglasses

Eclipse Glasses: Essential for Safe Solar Eclipse Viewing

Understanding the Difference Between Regular Sunglasses and Eclipse Glasses

While regular sunglasses may provide some protection from the sun's glare, they are not safe for viewing a solar eclipse. Regular sunglasses only block out about 10% of light, while eclipse glasses are 100,000 times darker to effectively block almost all visible, infrared, and ultraviolet light emitted during a solar eclipse.

Importance of Using Proper Eclipse Glasses

Directly observing a solar eclipse without proper eye protection can cause severe and permanent damage to the eyes, including retinal burns. Solar eclipse glasses are specially designed to filter out harmful wavelengths of light, protecting the delicate tissues of the eye from potential damage.

Alternatives to Eclipse Glasses

Some may question the use of other optical devices such as cameras, telescopes, or binoculars to view a solar eclipse. While these devices may provide magnification, it is crucial to remember that they do not offer the necessary level of eye protection. Only dedicated solar eclipse glasses with the appropriate ISO-certified standards can ensure safe viewing.


Protecting your eyesight during a solar eclipse is paramount. Regular sunglasses are inadequate for this purpose. Instead, it is imperative to use specially designed eclipse glasses that meet ISO safety standards to block harmful solar radiation and allow for the safe enjoyment of this celestial event.
